John Hryniuk, "A Love Letter to the City of Toronto"
John Hryniuk
A Love Letter to the City of Toronto
John Hryniuk
A Love Letter to the City of Toronto
During this challenging time of global unhealth and fear due to the COVID-19 pandemic, creating hope was the impetus for this expansive public art project. In March 2020, Photographer John Hryniuk started to document this important and tumultuous time with aspiring empathy and compassion to his subjects and community. Hryniuk’s public art piece “A Love Letter to the City of Toronto” was realized. This project acts as a stark reminder to support one another, while also prompting the viewer to remember how different each other’s realities are, in the wake of the global pandemic. “Love Letter” celebrates our different experiences and conjures feelings of togetherness without romanticizing the very real and challenging situation we face before us.
PIA is a proud supporter of this project (as a part of its COVID Task Force initiatives).

Copryright 2020 John Hryniuk

Copryright 2020 John Hryniuk